Thou shalt not sell the land for ever, because the land is for me...

This blog is about arguments over The Land (Ha Aretz)

We are to use the land in a proper way:

Once in every 7 days, 7 years and 7 rest-year periods. we are to allow freedom and equality to all humans and all animals.

We are to remember that the land is not ours but was given to us for this purpose. Given to us the sons of Abraham and specifically to the sons of Isaac and Jacob, in order to remember and accomplish this.

We are to teach the world about the love of life, and to steer them away from false beliefs in death for the sake of death.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Staged coverage in Syria?

Belhadj CNN media team skewing news from Syria

The same CNN team that staged the Tripoli hospital massacre and the Abu Salim prison break, hiding the al-Quaeda identity of the rebel commander they were interviewing, editing out the atrocities they were committing in front of the camera, and totally reversing the viewpoint of the explanation to these images from reality, that exact same team is now in Syria.

Hala Goran is seen instructing the rebel fighters how to present themselves to the world media as not being affiliated with al-Quaeda. Arwa Damon is seen in faked fire attacks, being presented as real war footage. A long discussion with the Syrian rebel leadership can be heard on youtube, explaining how to deceive the west.

And Abdul Hakim Belhadj shows up a week or two after Arwa.

What more is needed to understand that this whole scene is being faked. The atrocities are most likely being wedged against the Druze and Alawi  people, then shown as Assad atrocites. The "civilians" are 90% militia men...  - the Belhadj media team don't even bother to cover up the images, they just give a title and everybody bites.

But the question is: Why is the whole west, and even the Israeli media allowing this team of terrorists and killers to lead it by the nose?

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